Brasseri Norrtull menù, Stockholm
Brasseri Norrtull Stockholm - Menu
"TOAST SKAGEN - Served on Danish rye bread with chicory and dill oil"
14 kr
"SOUP ON GREEN PEAS - Served with cold smoked salmon, horseradish cream and grilled levain bread"
11 kr
"CEVICHE WITH MANGO AND AVOCADO - Served with rice chips, lime, coriander and ginger sauce"
11 kr
"OVEN BAKED PORTABELLO WITH EARTH CHEESE PURE - Served with glazed pearl onion and red wine gravy"
18 kr
"RAINBOW TROUT - tempura vegetables and limecreme"
19 kr
"GRILLED BEEF WITH ROOT GRATIN - Served with whipped herb butter, red wine gravy and baked cocktail tomatoes"
24 kr
"CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE - With candied hazelnuts and sea salt"
45 kr
"CREMÉ BRULÉ - With passion frui"
10 kr
"CHOCOLATE MUD CAKE - Served with raspberry sauce and whipped cream"
95 kr